Exterior Window Refinishing For Fresh Style And Impeccable Function
New buildings are popping up all over the Salt Lake City skyline and even old buildings are being redone to slowly but surely give Salt Lake City a more modern appearance and feel. However, there are still quite a few buildings, not just downtown, but all over Salt Lake City that look dated and old because of the finish on their windows. As you probably know, the way the outside of a commercial building looks speaks volumes to potential clients and tenants of the building. If your windows are old and outdated it is harder to attract serious high-end clients or tenants. So with the coming of the 21st century some 18 years ago, it is time for an entire generation of yellow, amber or darkly tinted windows to become a thing of the past and to usher in a new era of clean, clear or barely reflective tinting in the present. As a commercial real estate owner here in Salt Lake City, now is the time to change the form and function of your outdated building and capitalize on an emerging revitalization trend.
The Benefits Of Exterior Window Resurfacing
Outdated window finishes are just an all-around bad idea but the fact of the matter is, replacing outdated window is very, very expensive. Not every business has the capital to replace their windows with new, better looking and functioning windows. For some commercial spaces, in fact, the costs associated with full window replacement don’t make good financial sense. Either way, resurfacing outdated windows with new and highly effective window film is the perfect solution. The film is installed over existing windows, so there is no need for a ton of downtime or the constant nuisance of replacement crews making noise removing and replacing windows. With exterior window resurfacing the window revitalization job is usually done in as little as one day. Even better– it only costs a fraction of the amount of money full window replacement and gives windows more than just a sleek modern look; it also gives them all the benefits that come with our amazing films like glare reduction, UV protection, and significant energy savings!
Watch the video below for more information on exterior window resurfacing:
Window Film Salt Lake City For Your Salt Lake City Exterior Window Resurfacing Project
At Window Film Salt Lake City we installed many thousands of feet of window film for exterior resurfacing projects across our great city. We offer the very best films for the jobs and reliable installation crews too. Contact us today for more information on window tinting to update the look of your Salt Lake City commercial building!