Are your energy bills sky high? Do they seem to go up each year, with no end in sight? Do you feel frustrated, because there is no substantial method to lower them, without going completely solar (which is a big investment).
What if we told you that there was a simple and affordable way to save money on heating and cooling costs with a product called energy efficient window film? A product that would pay for itself via your savings in as little as two to three years?
Salt Lake City’s climate can be extreme. Hot dry summers. Frosty freezy winters. So even if you are trying to cut costs, you still need to be comfortable in your home or office. You don’t want to walk around wearing your coat indoors and you certainly can’t strip down to your skivvies (well, not in an office environment, anyway) in the summer.
But with energy efficiency window film, you can stay more comfortable for less energy output. Let’s explain this in more detail.
1. Summertime: That Salt Lake City sun is strong and beats down on your windows, through your windows. The resulting rise in indoor temperature is known as heat gain. And guess what? Our energy efficiency window films block that heat gain. We offer a variety of different films that will block heat gain in different degrees, as much as fifty percent. What does this mean for you? Lower energy costs from your air conditioning system, which doesn’t have to work nearly as hard to keep your home or office cool.
2. Wintertime: When it’s cold outside, you don’t want it to be cold inside. But a substantial portion of your heat can escape right through your windows. The larger the windows, the more the heat loss. With energy efficient window film, it blocks that heat from escaping and keeps it indoors. For you, this means lowered heating costs because your furnace is not constantly trying to replace that lost heat.
A third great benefit of energy efficiency window film is the green aspect. By using it, you are lowering your carbon footprint and using less energy overall, something that has become important to more and more Salt Lake City residents. A fourth benefit? How about blocking up to 99 percent of the sun’s damaging UV rays and saving your furnishings from fading and needing to be replaced?
Would energy efficient window film be a good choice for your home or office? We’d love to answer any questions, give you more information about this passive, maintenance free product, and offer you a competitive quote.
Why not contact Window Film Salt Lake City today? We offer the best product lines available, and your satisfaction is always our highest priority.