Installing energy efficient window film for your Salt Lake City home is a great way to cut back on utility costs and save money. Whether you’ve had your home windows tinted before or it’s simply been a few years since your last tint job, you probably have some questions about the process. We hope this list of frequently asked questions will shed some light on the matter and provide you with the information you’re seeking.
Energy Efficient Window Film for Homes – FAQ
Here are answers to some popular questions about energy efficient window films.
How does window tinting work?
Residential window films are a common tool used for upgrading window performance. While there are many types of window films you can install for your home, the most common are energy efficient films. These window films are designed to control indoor climates, block UV rays, reduce glare, and improve energy efficiency. Once in place, they control heat and light, optimizing both for maximum comfort and energy efficiency.
Is all tint dark? Will it make my home less bright?
No. Not all window films are dark. In fact, most will not reduce brightness at all, even if they do have a slight tint. Plus, there are clear window films that you can get in Salt Lake City that work just as well as tinted ones.
What is the cost of home window tinting?
The cost of home window tinting is based on the product, square footage, labor, and warranty. Since every home is different and some installs are larger or more complicated than others, prices vary from one project to the next.
What else should I know?
Window films are a great investment with a speedy ROI. They’re much more cost-friendly than new windows and the ROI is better too. For more information on residential window film, check out this brochure from our partners: 3m-energy-efficient-window-film-salt-lake-city
Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your Home with Window Film
Call Window Film Salt Lake City today to get a quote on energy efficient window film for your Salt Lake City home.